Released as a follow-up to Tarsier Studios’ 2017 game, Little Nightmares 2 is the perfect sequel. This implies he was fataly wounded, but went back to his shelter and along the way clotted the blood with the towel he took from the window, where he is still alive and hunting.Four years after the launch of the original game, Little Nightmares 2 is finally here and it’s just as atmospheric and haunting as ever. From out the window, you can see a towel being pulled down a couple seconds after the Hunter is "killed". It seems he is still human, and can still breathe completely fine, but I do want to shine some light on something.
Not full mannequin, but evidence does go to show he probably practiced on his deceased family before on himself, showing he could also be a psychotic killer. My thoughts were his face hadn't been contorted by the signal, but rather he lost his face in the mauling, and like almost everyone except the teacher, are extremely self conscious about their appearance and donned what he is now, half human, half mannequin thing. Eventually, he seemed to have gotten mauled a couple times possibly by larger animals (due to evidence from concept art deers and pigs being titan sized), and stitched himself together using stuffing and parts of failed mannequins from the Doctor that he tossed out into the sea.

After being supplied with his shelter, weapons, and land, he decided to quit his job and live off the radius, which was his whole plan due to him knowing about the signal tower. He was possibly once from the city, but got sent away to capture the kids who tried escaping to or into the city by other higher ups not known. My honest thoughts and theory was he shut himself off completely from reality. also I'm sorry if this idea isn't new, I've been distancing myself from all Little Nightmares content so I wouldn't have the game spoiled for me before I finished it last night I'd love to hear your guys' opinion on this, it's just some thoughts I've been having to try and cope with that devastating ending lol.

It would also explain the brutality of the Hunter, as he would naturally have no feelings for any of his fellow living beings, leading to setting traps to catch people and create fellow mannequins for himself in his lonely cabin (Now obviously all of the other antagonists in the Little Nightmares universe are pretty brutal, but straight from one description of the Hunter I saw online, he embodies all hatred and violence, and I think you can tell he's a lot more brutal than the other monsters). The Hunter makes harsh breathing noises as he is chasing Mono and Six, but this kind of supports my theory as later on in the game, there is a living, breathing mannequin (probably) that the Doctor frantically attempts to revitalize after Mono stops it's heartbeat. All of the other bosses that died during the progression of the game you either visibly saw their deaths (Thin Man, kind of Six) or you heard an audible cry of terror (the Doctor). It made me really think about it when he was shot and presumably 'killed', since his 'dead' body was completely hidden from vision and he made no sound at all when he died, not even a last fleeting breath or whimper, if I'm remembering correctly. You never see any of the hunters skin, it's all intentionally covered in clothing.

While playing through the game I noticed the Hunter has a bit of cotton protruding from one of his shoulders, making me kind of curious. This theory doesn't have a whole lot of source material, so maybe it's more of a speculation, I just want to see what you guys think about it.